Batman: [to The Joker] You wanted me, here I am.
Two-Face: The only justice in an unfair world is chance.
Batman: Why do you wanna kill me?
The Joker: Kill you? I don't wanna kill you... you complete me.
The Joker: And I thought my jokes were bad...
Batman: Not everyone's as ugly as you are...
The Joker: That's just sad... You can't rely on anybody these days...
The Joker: So in a way, I know your friends better than you ever did... Do you want to know which of them are cowards?
The Joker: Do I look like someone who has a plan?
The Joker: The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules!
The Joker: See, I'm not a monster...I'm just ahead of the curve.
The Joker: See, I'm a man of simple tastes. I like gunpowder...and dynamite...and gasoline! Do you know what all of these things have in common? They're cheap!
The Joker: Introduce a little anarchy.
[The Joker puts a gun into Two-Face's hand and a coin into the other hand]
The Joker: Upset the established order.
[Two-Face points the gun at the Joker's head and shows him the two sides of the coin]
The Joker: This side you live. This side you don't.
The Joker: Now that's want I'm talking about!
Two-Face: [Two-Face flips the coin, which side it lands on isn't shown]
The Joker: What does not kill you, makes you stranger!
The Joker: You'll see, I'll show you, that when the chips are down, these uh... civilized people, they'll eat each other.
The Joker: What happened? Your balls fall off, or what?
Lt. James Gordon: [Gordon is interrogating Joker in prison] What did you do with Harvey?
The Joker: Me?
[looks around the room]
The Joker: I was here!
[holds up his handcuffs, innocently]
The Joker: What did your men do with him? That's assuming they are your men...and not Maroni's.
Lt. James Gordon: Where is Harvey?
The Joker: What's the time?
Lt. James Gordon: What does that have to do with anything?
The Joker: Well...depending on the time...he might be one place...or several.
The Joker: If you're good at something, never do it for free.
Batman Wannabe: What gives you the right? What's the difference between you and me?
[Batman lowers himself into the Batmobile]
Batman: I'm not wearing hockey pads! (Creo que fue lo único que dijo Batman que me hizo reir; la verdad no fue dificíl que el Joker opacara a ese Batman.)
The Joker: "" And as he's walking over to me: "" And then he puts the knife in my mouth, like this, and says, "Let's put a *smile* on that face!"
The Joker: You see, nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If I told people that a gangbanger was going to get shot, or a busload of soldiers was going to get blown up, nobody would panic. It's all part of the plan. But tell people that one tiny little mayor is going to die and everyone loses their minds!
Harvey Dent: You thought we could be decent men in an indecent world. But you were wrong; the world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance.
The Joker: [over the PA] Tonight we are going to try a social experiment.
Random Blonde: It's too loud in here, we can't hear each other talk.
Salvatore Maroni: What makes you think I want to hear you talk.
The Joker: This town deserves a better class of criminal... and I'm gonna give it to them. Tell your men they work for me now. This is my city.
The Chechen: They won't work for a freak...
The Joker: [mocking his accent] A freak...
[pulls out his switchblade and tosses it to some goons who grabs the Chechen]
The Joker: Why don't we cut you up into little pieces and feed you to your pooches? Hmm? And then we'll see how loyal a hungry dog really is. It's not about money. It's about sending a message. Everything burns.
[The Joker holds Rachel Dawes out of a window]
Batman: Let her go.
The Joker: Hmm.. Very poor choice of words.
[The Joker lets her drop as he laughs maniacally]
[bumps along while driving hijacked truck]
The Joker: I like this job - I like it!
Lt. James Gordon: Harvey Dent never made it home.
The Joker: Of course not.
Lt. James Gordon: What have you done with him?
The Joker: Me? I've been here.
[holds up his arms in handcuffs]
The Joker: Who did you leave him with?
Bruce Wayne: I need a new suit.
Lucius Fox: Yes, three buttons is a little '90's, Mr. Wayne.
Lucius Fox: I'm not talking fashion, so much as function.
[hands him a diagram]
Lucius Fox: You want to be able to turn your head.
Bruce Wayne: Sure would make backing out of the driveway easier. (jajaja, hasta ahora recuerdo que Batman no podía mover la "chompa" para los lados, las desventajas de verse "cool".)
The Joker: I use a knife because guns are too quick. Otherwise, you can't savor all the emotions. You know who people are in their last moments.
The Joker: So in a way, I knew your friends better than you did... So do you want to know which ones are cowards?
La Película.
O bien , el post pudo llamarse "grandes frases del Joker en the Dark Knight movie".
Todo mundo habla de la actuación de Heat Ledger, hasta grados que parecen excesivos, o a estas alturas tendenciosos. Pero todo parecía conjuntarse para que este finado actor se consagrara. No cualquiera puede ser "Joker", no se trata solo de exagerar la actuación, o hacerse el "loco" payasito, sino que conlleva matices que fueron demostrados con creces en esta película.
La cinta es explosiva, caótica, llena de efectos (y efectismos) propios de este "genero" que adapta a los clásicos héroes del comic a una “era” cinematográfica que por lo visto va para largo (la del super-héroe, por fin explotando en la pantalla con todo su esplendor -y ya sin “hilos” aparentes, ni chistoretes sosos, y todo gracias a las últimas tecnologías en efectos visuales por cumputadora).
No fue difícil para Ledger opacar al "oscuro" Batman de Christian Bale, pues el caballero de la noche carece de matices, o de alguna característica que no sean las perennes del personaje creado por Bob Kane, pues hasta como Bruce Wayne se muestra frió, "aséptico", acartonado y forzado. En contraste con un Joker que desde el principio establece su perfil de criminal imprevisible, delirante, y a la vez orquestador (siempre bajo cierto "control") de las caóticas situaciones que se dan durante los 152 escalofriantes minutos que dura la cinta. El joker es eso en los comics: un orquestador del caos, y esta premisa es bien llevada a la pantalla. Pero aquí, un "joven" Batman no da el ancho para el "joven" Joker. Incluso en sus enfrentamientos, Batman se ve rebajado, atacado impunemente por perros, con una actitud casi de "auto-conmiseración que raya en el patetismo ("se me debe culpar, atacar, por que puedo con eso"). Tal vez ese era el contraste que se le quería impregnar a los personajes y a la historia, pero Bale no parece estar a la altura de las circunstancias para hacer un papel 100% "creíble"; vemos que Batman se apoya en sus colaboradores más que nunca, pero a la vez va con ese aire de suficiencia que resulta incongruente. Vemos que lidia con conflictos personales, pero estos apenas son delineados y casi siempre suponen un "bajón" en la cinta.
En fin, si no se dejan agobiar por la abrumadora promoción de esta película, que con fanfarrias se anuncia como la "mejor" del verano, del año y del "genero", tal vez puedan disfrutarla sin prejuicios y entrar a la oscura, violenta y fascinante ciudad Gótica.
1 comentario:
Es la pelicula mas sobrevalorada de la decada, la gente repite cual borregos lo que los medios les dicen y como pocos pueden distinguir entre una simple buena actuacion y una obra maestra... que el baboso ese se haya dado un pason definitivamente no mejora su actuacion que es buena a secas y no el mejor villano del cine con el que los traga palomitas comunes se estan masturbando
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